Schedule Outlook Appointments in Powershell
Here is a simple script to schedule Outlook appointments from Powershell. I use this to automate reminders to myself during the day…
$folder = $outlook.Session.folders |where-object {$_.Name -eq '[email protected]'}
$cal = $folder.Folders |? {$_.Name -eq "Calendar"}
$appt = $calendar.Items.Add(1)
$appt.Start = [datetime]"06/30/2016 17:00"
$appt.End = [datetime]”06/30/2016 17:30"
$appt.Subject = "Dinner"
This script demonstrates the basic usage. I’m doing a bit more by saving it as a function in my profile.
About the author
Brooks Garrett is a dedicated technologist who specializes in information security. Brooks has spent over 10 years implementing security programs for both the public and private sector including some of the biggest names in the Fortune 500. When he's not managing risk in the corporate environment you can find him at the local firestation where he is a volunteer firefighter.