· development windows powershell

Capturing Session Keys for Wireshark

Decrypting HTTPS can be a real pain in Wireshark. I found an article that describes having Chrome or FireFox dump Session Keys for you which WireShark can then load and use to decrypt TLS sessions. Based on that article I roughed up the below Powershell function so I can selectively dump Session keys when I want to and with the browser I choose. By default I use Chrome but by passing an argument (2) to the function I can instead switch to Firefox.

# Intercept Chrome SSL Session Keys
function Intercept-SSLKeys($browser = 1) {
    $env:SSLKEYLOGFILE = "$env:USERPROFILE\ssl_session_keys.txt"

    $burpPath = "";
    $chromePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe";
    $chromeOpts = ""

    $firefoxPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe";
    $firefoxOpts = "-no-remote "

    switch($browser) {
        1 { $browserCmd = $chromePath;
            $browserOpts = $chromeOpts; }
        2 { $browserCmd = $firefoxPath;
            $browserOpts= $firefoxOpts; }

    & $browserCmd $browserOpts

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