Capturing Session Keys for Wireshark
Decrypting HTTPS can be a real pain in Wireshark. I found an article that describes having Chrome or FireFox dump Session Keys for you which WireShark can then load and use to decrypt TLS sessions. Based on that article I roughed up the below Powershell function so I can selectively dump Session keys when I want to and with the browser I choose. By default I use Chrome but by passing an argument (2) to the function I can instead switch to Firefox.
# Intercept Chrome SSL Session Keys
function Intercept-SSLKeys($browser = 1) {
$env:SSLKEYLOGFILE = "$env:USERPROFILE\ssl_session_keys.txt"
$burpPath = "";
$chromePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe";
$chromeOpts = ""
$firefoxPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe";
$firefoxOpts = "-no-remote "
switch($browser) {
1 { $browserCmd = $chromePath;
$browserOpts = $chromeOpts; }
2 { $browserCmd = $firefoxPath;
$browserOpts= $firefoxOpts; }
& $browserCmd $browserOpts
About the author
Brooks Garrett is a dedicated technologist who specializes in information security. Brooks has spent over 10 years implementing security programs for both the public and private sector including some of the biggest names in the Fortune 500. When he's not managing risk in the corporate environment you can find him at the local firestation where he is a volunteer firefighter.